Individual Presentation 3
Watch your thought, they beware your words,
Watch your word, they beware your action,
Watch your action, they beware your habit,
Watch your habit, they beware your attitude,
Watch your attitude, they beware your destiny,
If we not mistaken, from Al-Quran, have a word about
" Allah will not change a people, except those that change itself".
In this word, the God say very clearly for us as a Muslim, to always try the best. No one will success without try.
And the presentation continue with Banchaa, the beloved student's of my lecture. Actually we don't catch out all of his speech. Maybe he use the bombastic word and many friend not clearly. But we can summarize of the speech.
HAi everyone. For this post, we start with a my lecture lecture that word.
Bancha talk about the history from our independent, continue with the constitution and nowadays. As a Malaysian, we are very lucky because we can live with multicultural and we still live harmony and peace.From independent day until now, we solve everything together with different races. Only with the same direction with different history can be come truly the one. We get the best advance when we together. It's not only for us, but until our child, grandchild and so on. From now, as the baby step, we together cooperate each other to make the Malaysia as a peace and advanced country.
And the second presentation is Mohd. Azrin. He shared with friend about a movie that's have done watch. From the movie, he can conclude what he learn from the movie. They have three reason. The first is never give up to achieve success. Secondly is many way to unity. As a Malaysian, we must try to get the harmony live. the lastly about the prejudice we do for another races. As a Malaysian, we can work together.
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