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~GeRmaN dAy~

Germany has a variety of development from various angles such as, vehicles, sporting goods, and academic research. German national success as branded products such as vehicles Mercedes-benz, BMW, Volkswegen, Puma, Adidas and many more. More to the knowledge of their technology. They all do research, then it's no wonder they have a lot of universities, and they have a lot of libraries. Far different from the Malaysian national shooping more complex. So many things we can we learn in building and developing countries produce more scholars.


-sociology broader terms. It can be means culture, race, nation, country, religion or language.

From Ethnic Relation in Malaysia we have three parts.

1) Conflict: like 13rd May 1969

2) Cooperation: The others of different politician were combining to fight the independence of Malaysia. We are made the one of good society.

3) Competition: We have two that’s economic and education. The economy when they fight to get the contract. For the education, to get the scholarship.

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