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~GeRmaN dAy~

Germany has a variety of development from various angles such as, vehicles, sporting goods, and academic research. German national success as branded products such as vehicles Mercedes-benz, BMW, Volkswegen, Puma, Adidas and many more. More to the knowledge of their technology. They all do research, then it's no wonder they have a lot of universities, and they have a lot of libraries. Far different from the Malaysian national shooping more complex. So many things we can we learn in building and developing countries produce more scholars.


-sociology broader terms. It can be means culture, race, nation, country, religion or language.

From Ethnic Relation in Malaysia we have three parts.

1) Conflict: like 13rd May 1969

2) Cooperation: The others of different politician were combining to fight the independence of Malaysia. We are made the one of good society.

3) Competition: We have two that’s economic and education. The economy when they fight to get the contract. For the education, to get the scholarship.

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12 basics concept of ethnic relations

at the back, there have question, to see much clear, there are the questions and the answer..

1. What are the characteristics of society ?
• People who live in clusters. Their communal life, to know one another, and interdependence.
• Produce custom and culture. It has to be passed down from generation to generation to another.
• Have changes.
• Communication to communicate and cooperate with each other. Orally occurs or not.
• There was the leadership of the village chief or head of household.
• Social stratification that class (property), status (the title of Dato 'Tan Sri) and caste (birth, his social mobility does not occur.

2. What are the characteristics of culture ?
• Learned that should be learned and involves many elements, such as assimilation and adaptation.
• Partnership in action. It is the unpredictability and carry.
• Universal. Internal influences, external influences and the adjustment of members.
• Passed down from one generation to another generation.
• Changes. The changes was about form, features and processes.
• The symbolism in the logo, flag or measurements.

3. Why is culture important?
• Building the image of the country towards national character.
• Promote awareness of the national and statehood, including spiritual, humanitarian, spiritual and mental.
• It is definitely because it gives an individual a unique identity.
• Cannot be stressed enough as it is an integral part of living.
• Lies in the fact that it is a link between people and their value systems.

4.What are the characteristics of plural society ?
• Government proceedings in order to live in different nations and different communities.
• One set of culture and politics in a different community partners through the national agreement.
• Tendency to predict the economic conflict nations.
• Although they are different people, but they have the goal of peace and prosperity.
• Little intervention from the outside to disperse the conflict that exists in society.

5. Give 5 countries with plural society ?
• Nigeria
• India
• Belgium
• Switzerland
• Canada

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